Thursday, November 28, 2019

Self Assesments & expectations


This is my twentyfirst moment of gratitude. I know this picture is just my face but, I wanted to share because this photo tells how I've been feeling these days, and I just want to make a throwback of my life until today: I am satisfied, everything happens for a reason and I have to keep it in mind. Also, I'm doing impresively well lately, I try to get better in every aspect of my self and I'd like to keep it  that way. If anything wrong happens, I've got to learn from it and not to get stuck in the journey. Basically, I am grateful for what I've become and for what I will. I'm thrilled and I'll stay locked in.

     "Our deppest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deppest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure" - Coach Carter

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